Soma and Tantra

Soma and Tantra

The essence of Tantric sadhana, or yogic practice, is refinement of the body-mind. Like other dimensions of Tantric yoga, the Churning of the Milky Ocean is a powerful myth that allows us to examine the ways in which yoga allows us to lead a richer, happier, and more meaningful life. This myth is also a wonderful metaphor for the ways in which plant medicine like Soma allows us to answer these same questions.

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Peganam Harmala: Creating the Space which Chacruna Illuminates

Peganam Harmala: Creating the Space which Chacruna Illuminates

Yoga is a process of refinement. Working with plant medicine such as the Soma is the same. It invites us to carefully dial up or dial down the two separate levers of the process, the masculine and feminine aspects, and understanding this balance is ultimately allows us to wake up in this reality.

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The Tapestry of Tantra

The Tapestry of Tantra

The term “Tantra” evokes the image of a loom, for it points towards the way in which everyone and everything are intricately interwoven. An awakened mind clearly sees that tapestry and understands that the undertaking of awakening is ultimately a collective endeavor. This is why bodhicitta, the intention to wake up for the benefit of others, is essential for continued unfolding along the path.

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Seeking The End of Seeking

Seeking The End of Seeking

We need to seek until we find, which usually only happens when the desire to keep seeking outward exhausts itself. Samsara is the wheel of desire that keeps us spinning around and around. It is an endless state of wandering and only when we become exhausted, can the mind finally stop searching for happiness and peace outward in external appearances and turn inward to rest in its own place.

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From Redesigning the Dharma to Integral Dharma

From Redesigning the Dharma to Integral Dharma

This post builds on the origin of “Redesigning THe Dharma” and elaborates in more detail what this project might entail. It offers some insight into the choice behind the name and concludes with what I see as an essential development within this project of Redesigning the Dharma, which is a more Integral approach to Dharma.

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